
Close to our customers even from a distance

Remote testing reduces management times and costs, bridging the gap between VARO and its customers.

The digital transformation of VARO’S processes is aimed at increasing of the efficiency. Remote testing reduces costs and, bypassing the necessity of the presence of VARO’s engineers on site , improves the installation time.

The current international scenario linked to the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed to VARO a quick and deep digital transformation in order to eliminate the distance between VARO and the customers.

The final testing of the VARO machines managed remotely is one of the digital milestones achieved in recent months. VARO never stops.

The remote testing management method has been introduced to recreate a machine test experience as our technicians do on site and is structured to convey all the required information and instructions.

  • Four cameras – three fixed and one mobile – allow clients to actively attend the machine testing, giving them the chance to show any operation in detail.
  • The real-time sharing of production data allows customer to view the data as on the machine.
  • The direct connection with the VARO’s service department allows the customer’s technicians to have a privileged channel to get suggestions, to cooperate simultaneously and, over all, to focus on the points of interest during the testing phase.

The goal of a better efficiency by exploiting the potential of digital technologies: to constantly improve products and services.

The management of remote tests is effective and appreciated by customers: a solution capable of eliminating distances, reducing the time and costs of managing the testing phase.
A new installation method which can also be used in the future.

VARO’s always looking for new solutions to improve our service and our machines, to make them more efficient, user friendly and long-lasting.

From idea …
to product

Product fully customizable according to your needs.
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