
VARO for young

VARO grows, grow with VARO

1979 | 2019

Over 40 years history

VARO’s growing success has been made possible by the skills of the company’s people and know-how. With this in mind, the growth of the company corresponds to the growth of the people in it, and today’s young people will be the stars of tomorrow’s team.


Do you want to be part of our team?

VARO invests in staff training to create the skills needed for business development and provides its expertise to engage, train and enthuse young people who are entering the world of work.

VARO has set up training courses, curricular and extracurricular internships for the placement of new people in different departments of the company. VARO for young is a project aimed at students and college students; it is a training course with pay allowance marked by maximum flexibility. Both the length of the collaboration and the days and hours of work are defined according to each person’s needs, so that summer breaks and extracurricular hours can be made the most of.

Abbiamo voluto creare un percorso formativo dedicato ai giovani che intendono affacciarsi al mondo del lavoro anche prima di aver ultimato il proprio iter di studi: VARO for young è un’opportunità per mettersi in gioco, per toccare con mano una professione e per comprendere meglio quale futuro lavorativo scegliere.”

VARO’s strength is in the group, the collective experience, which is greater than the sum of individual skills and is the key to business success.

VARO’s organizational model, with internalized management of process steps, is structured so that different processes are handled by the company’s 13 in-house departments. Each department has a manager and involves countless specializations: fitters, electricians, turners, millers, warehouse workers, painters, softwarmakers.

The extracurricular training courses activated by VARO cover all 13 of the company’s departments, and young people who intend to approach the world of work have the opportunity to see the entire production process of a machine and choose in which activity to focus their training.

Join the VARO team to be a key player in the future challenges ahead

The recent victory of our national team at the European soccer championships highlighted how the strength of the group is able to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. Teamwork, in sports as in business, is the winning approach to achieving great results.”

Marta Rota