
Three-axis electronic folding machine



The high storage costs and the need for continuous product changes have prompted VARO to create
a mach i ne that exactly meets the demands far extreme production flexibility.

Bending machine created according to the same bending principle of the two dimensional one but designed for three-dimensional details having up to three different bending radius.

PTE, combines the highest quality of the finished product with excellent productivity. The PTE family is suitable far both small batch production of prototypes and large-scale production. Thanks to the bending precision, guaranteed by an efficient electronic axis contrai, the PTE family has established itself as a market reference in the category of bending machines.

Through its numerous equipment options, ease of use and programming, and last but not least, low maintenance costs, PTE represents the perfect balance between flexibility and productivity.

Products made with PTE 3D

From idea … to product

Fully customizable product according to your needs.
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